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OrecX delivers premise-based and cloud-based call recording solutions, screen capture and quality monitoring. OrecX can also deploy SIP Rec (recording) on a network as needed to get calls up to their cloud. OrecX records in mono, but can do stereo if prompted.

OrecX has built an integration with VoiceBase that utilizes VoiceBase’s Keyword and Phrase Spotting capability. OrecX’s Oreca TR product has a feature called Auto Call Tagging. An OrecX customer contacts VoiceBase and signs an agreement with VoiceBase, the new client shares their bearer token with OrecX and they will send the recordings to VoiceBase with the proper keywords and phrases that the client wants to identify. OrecX then pulls back the results into a simple dashboard in Oreca TR for the client.

✔  Speech-to-text

✔  Keyword and Phrase Spotting


Get Expert Assistance

Contact our team for help with integrations or to get your account set up with VoiceBase so you can start building your solution!